197 research outputs found

    Platonov revisited: past and present views on the land of the philosophers

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    The current article highlights the most important moments in the disclosure of Platonov’s oeuvre and in the evolution of its scholarly study since the writer’s death in 1951. Special attention is paid to the major tendencies in Platonov scholarship – the predominance of politicized readings from the mid-1960s until the late perestroika era, a certain deideologization and an increased interest in philosophical and mythopoetical topics since the late 1980s, and a growing interest for the cultural and historical context(s) of Platonov’s oeuvre today. The article also serves as an introduction to the special issue of Russian Literature devoted to the changes in the scholarly study of Platonov’s oeuvre

    Over 'Dzjan' en Andrej Platonov

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    Nawoord bij de nieuwe editie van de korte roman 'Dzjan' van Andrej Platono

    Hoe commissaris Baantjer in een gedicht van Alexandr Kabanov terechtkwam

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    Artikel over het collectief vertalen van poëzie; ervaringen van het Gents Collectief van Poëzievertalers; Russischtalige poëzie uit Oekraïne

    Vrijdag : Gentse poëzievertaaldag

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    Artikel over het collectief vertalen van poëzie; ervaringen van het Gents Collectief van Poëzievertalers

    Рецепция творчества А: Платонова в Нидерландах и Фландрии

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    Description and analysis of the reception of the works of the Russian writer Andrei Platonov in the Netherlands and Flanders in the period 1972-2012

    'O bomen, ga lezen...'

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    'Podchalimskie stikhi': o tvorcheskoi istorii stikhotvoreniia Mandel'shtama 'Ne muchnistoi babochkoi beloi…'

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    History and analysis of a poem by Mandel'shtam, written in the first year of his exile in Voronezh

    Svetlana Kekova over liefde en oorlog

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    Introductie op het werk van de Russische dichteres Svetlana Kekova (*1951); bespreking van drie gedichten van Kekova die in vertaling zijn gepubliceerd in hetzelfde tijdschrift (blz. 24-26

    Retseptsija tvorchestva O.E. Mandel'shtama v Niderlandakh i Flandrii

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    Reception of Mandelstam's poetry in the Netherlands and Flanders since the 1970. Special attention to poems on Mandelstam by Flemish and Dutch poets